How to Convert Data Storage Units – Bits to Kilobytes

Last updated on October 8th, 2023 at 02:11 pm

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As with all other things we use and sell, data has some units that we use to measure the amount a device contains or is able to hold. But if you are asking yourself how to convert data storage units, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will explore the following:

  • Conversion of bits to bytes;
  • Conversion of kilobytes to megabytes;
  • Conversion of megabytes to gigabytes; and
  • Conversion of gigabytes to terabytes.

If you would like to learn more about how computer storage, be sure to read the following:

In the following data storage unit table, we laid out each unit and the amount of that unit that it takes to make the unit after it. In the latter sections, we will use the information stored in the table to convert data storage units.

Data Storage Unit Table

Storage unitsTheir equivalent
8 Bits1 byte (B)
1024 bytes1 kilobyte (KB)
1024 kilobytes1 megabyte (MB)
1024 megabytes1 gigabyte (GB)
1024 gigabytes1 terabyte (TB)

Convert from bits to bytes

If you are given 50 bits and asked to convert it to bytes, here is what you do:

  1. First, write down the question:
    • 50 bits = x bytes (we use x to represent the unknown);
  2. Next, write the fact associated with this conversion:
    • 8 bits = 1 byte;
  3. So, to convert bits to bytes, we divide by the number from the fact line:
    • 50 bits = (50/8) bytes;
    • 50 bits = 6.25 bytes.

Converting from bytes to bits

Now to convert bytes to bits, we follow the steps above with one change. Because we are finding the side with the bigger number, we will multiply. For this example, we will use the following question:

Convert 12 bytes to bits.

  • Write the question;
  • Write the fact:
    • 8 bits = 1 byte;
  • Convert from bytes to bits:
    • 8 × 12 bits = 12 bytes;
    • 96 bits = 12 bytes.

Converting from bytes to kilobytes

To convert from bytes to kilobytes, let’s follow the same steps as that above:

Imagine you are asked to convert 4560 bytes to kilobytes.

  1. First, write your question;
  2. Write the fact line to go with this your question. See this in the data storage unit table:
    • 1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte. From this fact, you can see the byte side has the bigger number. So since we are trying to find the side with the smaller number on the fact line, we must divide.
  3. Convert:
    • 4560 bytes = (4560/1024) kilobytes;
  4. Answer:
    1. 4560 bytes = 4.45 kilobytes.

Now, what about when you need to convert from kilobytes to bytes?

Converting from kilobytes to bytes

Now let’s imagine you are asked to convert 5 kilobytes to bytes.

  1. First, write your question;
  2. Next, write the fact that applies to the question:
    • 1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte;
  3. Now use the value from the fact line to do your conversion. Note well because you are changing from the unit with the smaller number in front of it to the one with the bigger number, you need to multiply.
    • (5 × 1024)bytes = 5 kilobyte;
    • So, 5120 bytes = 5 kilobytes.

Points to note about how to convert data storage units

These conversions are pretty easy to figure out, provided you are converting between units on the given fact lines. Just look at the facts in the table. If you are trying to convert to the one with the bigger number in front of it. You multiply. If you are trying to convert from the unit with the big number in front of it to the one that is smaller on that fact line, you divide.

However, if you are converting between units that are not given on the same line in the data conversion table, this can be a little more difficult. In the sections below, we will look at how to convert between these storage units.

How to convert data storage units using multiple facts – Converting bits to kilobytes

Let’s assume you are asked to convert 87686 bits to kilobytes.

  1. Write your question.
  2. Write the related fact. In this case, there are 2:
    • 8 bits =1 byte and
    • 1024 bytes = 1 kilobyte.
  3. Find how many bits are equal to 1 kilobyte.
    • To get this, we multiply the information given in our fact line.
    • (8 × 1024) bits = 1 kilobyte.
    • 8192 bits = 1 kilobyte.
  4. Now convert bits to kilobytes:
    • 87686 bits = ? kilobyte
    • 87686 bits = (87686/8192) kilobytes
    • 87686 bits = 10.70 kilobytes.
  5. That’s it. You now know how to do a multi-line conversion.

Before you go

To learn about other units of storage used by the computer, visit: Units of measurement for data storage.

If you have any questions about converting data storage units, be sure to leave us a comment in the section below, and we will get back to you.