What is Propaganda | 4 Effects on Society

With widespread access to information in this digital age, the power to sway public opinion through mass and social media has given rise to more propaganda. However, while propaganda is considered cyber warfare and can be used to unfairly sway public opinion, it is not considered a type of cyberattack. Propaganda can have adverse effects on both … Read more

What is a Word Processor | Facts and Examples

If you are new to the field of ICT and are curious about what a word processor is, you are in the right place. If you are a student doing research and are looking for a good definition of the term word processor, we have you covered. In this article, we aim to give everyone … Read more

What are Peripheral Devices | Types and Examples

If the question, “What are peripheral devices?” have you stomped, you have come to the right place. Regardless of the type of computer you are using, there is a good chance that you have used a peripheral device before. Keep reading to learn: What are peripheral devices? Peripheral devices are computer accessories or add-ons that … Read more