How to Declare and Use Aarrays in Pascals Programming – Lesson 8

Arrays are one of the most useful data structures used in programming. They allow us to enter and process blocks of data of the same type together. In programming, and specifically in Pascal, arrays are generally used with loops to process repetitive data, reducing the number of lines of code. In this article, we will … Read more

For Loop and While Loop in Pascal Programming – Lesson 7

In this article, we seek to explore the for loop and while loop in Pascal programming. Loops make our lives easier. They are great tools in programming when we have large amounts of repetitive processes to run. In this article, we will explore: What are the for and while loops used for? In Pascal programming, … Read more

Decision Making/Control Structures in Pascal – Lesson 5

Control structures, conditions, or decision-making in Pascal are necessary to cater to different eventualities. These structures require the program to test and run different outcomes based on the results of those tests. In programming, decision-making is usually indicated by if-then-else or switch statements. In this lesson, we will explore two algorithms and Pascal programming examples … Read more

Case Statement in Pascal – Lesson 6

The case statement in Pascal is similar to the if-then-else decision-making condition in that it allows you to generate several different answers, which the user’s input will influence. It can be much simpler to implement than the if statement. In this article, we seek to make CSEC students aware of the case decision in Pascal … Read more

Types of Errors in Programming – Lesson 4

Regardless of how good a programmer you are, you will encounter many types of programming errors in your code. Errors appear at different stages in the program implementation phase. To a novice programmer, it is important for you to be able to read and understand these error messages so that you will be able to … Read more

Pascal Programming Operators – Lesson 3

Programming operators are symbols that tell a compiler what mathematical or logical manipulation is to be performed on the data entered. In programming, as in mathematics, there are many operations that may be performed. However, the operators used in mathematics are not all the same as those used in programming. In this article, we will … Read more

Pascal Variables – Lesson 2

As with any other programming language, Pascal variables are meant to hold data of different types that are expected to change while the program is being run. The types of variables used in Pascal programs are char, string, integer, real and boolean. To initialize a variable, we write the variable name followed by a colon … Read more

What is Pascal – Lesson 1: Basic Syntax

There are many different computer programming languages. However, if you are new to programming, Pascal is an ideal programming language for a beginner. In this article, we will address: What is Pascal Pascal is a high-level procedural programming language. For those of you who do not know what this means, high-level languages (HLL) are machine-independent, … Read more

Steps in Implementing a Program

In this technological age, programming is becoming a very sought-after field. However, there is a method to the process that begins with problem solving followed by program implementation. This article will explore the steps in implementing a program and what each step entails. What are the steps in implementing a program The steps used in … Read more