What is a Trace Table – Test Your Algorithm for Correctness

This article on introduction to trace tables is written to help information technology students learn what a trace table is and how to prepare one to test an algorithm for correctness. What is meant by a trace table? In computer science and ICT, a trace table is a tool used to test an algorithm’s correctness … Read more

The Flowchart Algorithm – What is It, How to Prepare One

This article on flowchart algorithms is meant to be an introduction to flowcharts as part of the problem-solving process. We prepared it to help you to learn more about: Algorithms are usually used in information technology and computer science to prepare the step-by-step instructions used to solve a problem. They are part of the problem-solving … Read more

Variables vs. Consonants – Programming Fundamentals

This article on programming fundamentals seeks to introduce the idea of variables and consonants. We explain what these concepts mean and when to use each in a computer program. Variables and consonants contain values that are used in calculations. However, each of these has a different use, and understanding this will help us to know … Read more