Last updated on February 15th, 2024 at 07:58 pm

When we talk about the components of a computer, quite often, we only think of the physical parts of the computer. However, without the actual software, the computer would simply be a combination of plastic and wires, unable to execute any instructions. It is the software that runs on the computer that makes it possible for you to interact with the computer. In this article, we will explore the following:
- What software is;
- The main types of software;
- Definition of system software;
- Definition of application software;
- The different types of system and application software;
- Some examples of system and application software;
- The components of the software;
- What a program is; and
- The definition of documentation.
What is Software?
Software is a set of instructions that tells a computer what to do. Each part of the computer has a different set of software programs that is specific to the task the computer has to perform.
Related article: User interfaces
Types of Software
There are two main types of software:
- System software
- Application software
What is system software?
The system software is the program that controls all the internal functions of the computer. It acts as a translator and sits between the program that you, the user, interacts with and the hardware. It controls all the hardware devices and the other programs the computer uses.
What is application software?
Application software, on the other hand, follows the command of us users. It is any program that we are able to use directly, for example, database management, payroll, spreadsheet, etc. When we talk about the application software that is available on mobile devices such as smartphones, we refer to them as apps.

Types of system software
Some types of System Software are:
- Operating system software;
- Device drivers;
- Utility software; and
- Language translators.
Examples of system software
Some examples of system software are:
- Linux;
- Android;
- Windows 10; and
- Mac OS X.
Types of application software
- General purpose;
- Special purpose:
- Integrated package;
- Off the shelf;
- Custom-written; and
- Customized.
Examples of application software
- Word Processing Software (Microsoft Word, Google Docs, etc.);
- Web Browser (Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, etc.);
- Multi-media Software (Adobe Photoshop, Windows movie maker);
- Simulation Software;
- Spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets);
- Graphics Software (Chroma Luxe, PaintShop Pro 2023); and
- Program Management Software.
Components of software
When we hear the term component, it means that it is a small part of a much larger picture, or in this case, it is a small piece of software that does different duties. The components of the software are the program, documentation, and operating procedures. We will look at the two main components of the software, namely the program and documentation.
What is a program?
A computer program, also called software, is a list of instructions that tells the computer how to operate. A computer program makes it possible for us to use the different aspects of the computer. Without the program on the computer, we will have a system that just exists but cannot execute any of the functions that we have grown accustomed to and rely on.
What Is documentation?
Documentation is a written description of the product. It tells the user what the product looks like as well as what it is able to do.
In the times that we are living in, where many of our purchases are being done online, it is necessary to have a description of the product that you are buying. If you are purchasing an electronic device, you’d want to know the battery life and the different specs. This is basically what documentation is for software. It describes the software and what you, the user, can logically expect to be able to do with it.
It is very important to know the functions of the software you are buying. After all, it would be pointless to buy software that cannot perform the tasks you are hoping for.