What is a Trace Table – Test Your Algorithm for Correctness

This article on introduction to trace tables is written to help information technology students learn what a trace table is and how to prepare one to test an algorithm for correctness. What is meant by a trace table? In computer science and ICT, a trace table is a tool used to test an algorithm’s correctness … Read more

The Flowchart Algorithm – What is It, How to Prepare One

This article on flowchart algorithms is meant to be an introduction to flowcharts as part of the problem-solving process. We prepared it to help you to learn more about: Algorithms are usually used in information technology and computer science to prepare the step-by-step instructions used to solve a problem. They are part of the problem-solving … Read more

What is an Algorithm – Learn how to Prepare One

In this article, we will explore what an algorithm is. However, before exploring algorithms in information technology, we also need to look at the problem defining diagram. The IPO or problem defining diagram is a tool the Caribbean Examination Council uses in problem definition stage of the problem solving process. It is a simple table … Read more