Audio Output Devices | Definition, Types, Installation and Issues

A computer system uses several different output devices. We group them into two categories: visual output devices and audio output devices. In this article, we will explore what audio output devices are and give some examples. We will also look at how to install an audio output device as well as how to fix the … Read more

Troubleshoot Desktop Monitor Problems – PC Running, no Display

You will encounter many computer hardware problems as you begin to work regularly on a computer. Monitor problems are just one. As a novice user, you will be tempted to call a technician when you encounter computer problems, which is fine. However, many of these issues you can solve easily with a little know-how. This … Read more

Computer Software – Learn the Definitions, Types, and Examples

When we talk about the components of a computer, quite often, we only think of the physical parts of the computer. However, without the actual software, the computer would simply be a combination of plastic and wires, unable to execute any instructions. It is the software that runs on the computer that makes it possible for you … Read more

Primary Memory or Main Memory – Learn What It Does

Primary memory is also known as main memory or primary storage. Do not confuse this with secondary storage, where we talk about devices such as hard disk drives, CD-ROM drives, or flash drives. What is primary memory exactly? Main memory, primary memory, or primary storage is the memory that is accessed directly by the processor … Read more

Excel Conditional Functions

Excel conditional functions allow us to make calculations on part of the data by setting limits. So if you have a large volume of information on your customers, but you need to count the persons living in Trinidad, spreadsheets allow you to do this in a few seconds without having to move the data around. … Read more

Visual Output Devices – Definition and Types

Computers use output devices to display information for users. However, the information can be in different formats, for example, auditory and visual output devices. In this article, we will cover the following: Related article: Types of hardware Have you been struggling with grammar and punctuation? Get the world’s best grammar checker and supercharge your writing. … Read more

Definition and Types of User Interfaces

As computers became more readily available to home users and as businesses embraced this technology, the need for different types of computers and, as a result, suitable types of user interfaces also grew. Now computers in the form of desktops, mobile, and embedded devices are available virtually everywhere with specialized user interfaces to promote security, … Read more

The IPOS Cycle – Explore the Definition and Stages

If you are here, chances are you have heard about the IPOS cycle or information processing cycle and are looking for more information. In this article, we will address the following: What is the IPOS cycle? The IPOS (input. process, output, store) cycle, also referred to as an information processing cycle, is the combination of … Read more

Units of Storage in the Computer – B, KB, MB…

Have you ever wondered what the units of storage in the computer are? Humans have a history of wanting to put measurements on the things that they use. For instance, we may wish to know how much rice can hold in a particular bag or how much drink is in a particular bottle. As we … Read more

Storage Devices – Learn the Definitions, Types, and Examples

When we speak of the hardware or physical components of the computer, we identify 4 components. These are input devices, output devices, the central processing unit, and storage devices. The storage devices referred to here are secondary storage devices. It is a very important part of computer hardware. However, secondary storage, as with many other … Read more